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Simple Cloud Shape Illustration

School Counselor’s ​corner

Hello, we are the ​Elementary & Secondary ​School Counselors at ​Telesis Academy

Mrs. Marroquin

Tk- 6th Grade​ Counselor​

Mrs. Lugo

7th & 8th Grade ​Counse​lor

School Counselor ​Doma​ins

Social Emotional Learning

We are committed to fostering a positive school ​environment where students feel safe, supported, and ​empowered. One of the key ways we do this is by ​teaching Social-Emotional Learning (SEL). SEL helps ​students develop essential life skills, such as ​understanding and managing their emotions, setting and ​achieving positive goals, building healthy relationships, ​and making responsible decisions.

Through interactive classroom lessons, small group ​activities, and individual counseling sessions, we guide ​students in exploring topics like empathy, conflict ​resolution, self-awareness, and resilience. These skills are ​critical not only for their success in school but also for ​their overall well-being and future life challenges.

Kids emotional intelligence.


We play a key role in helping students reach their full ​academic potential. Our goal is to ensure that every ​student has the tools, resources, and strategies they need ​to succeed in their studies and develop a lifelong love of ​learning. We provide support in a variety of ways, ​including academic planning, goal setting, and teaching ​effective study and organizational skills.

We work closely with students to identify their strengths ​and areas for growth, help them set achievable academic ​goals, and create personalized plans for success. By ​collaborating with teachers and parents, I ensure that ​students receive the guidance and encouragement they ​need to thrive academically.

Education, Academic, Learning Reading and Exam concept.

College and Career

As a school counselor, we help students begin exploring ​their future possibilities by providing guidance on college ​and career readiness. It’s never too early to start thinking ​about the future.

Through engaging lessons, workshops, and individual ​meetings, we introduce students to various high school ​programs, college options, and career possibilities. Every ​student will participate in our annual Career Day a​nd the the Upper grades will have the opportuni​ties to participate in college tour field​ ​trips throughout the year.

Graduate in Academic Regalia Lifting His Fist

Co​ntact Us!

Mrs. Marroquin

M 8-10 a.m.


Cute Border Design

Mrs. Lugo


Cute Border Design

Letter Icon
Black single texting message icon, simple digital phone message flat design pictogram, infographic vector for app logo web website button ui ux interface elements

Parent Square: Marilyn Marroquin

Phone Call Icon

(626) 965-1696 EXT. 5804​

Letter Icon
Black single texting message icon, simple digital phone message flat design pictogram, infographic vector for app logo web website button ui ux interface elements

Parent Square: Erika Lugo

Phone Call Icon

(626) 965-1696 EXT. 2822​

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Resource ​Links

Tutor works with college student

Ho​mework Support

Young Woman Talking with Therapist

Th​erapy Services

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Student/Pa​rent Resou​rces

Girl with different emotions

Em​otions & Self-Awareness

We all have feelings! When kids develop a strong ​emotional toolkit, they are better able to handle the ​ups and downs of life. As parents, we can help children ​name their feelings, understand them and develop ​strategies for expressing them in healthy ways.

Dad, Boy and Child Brushing Teeth in Mirror for Hygiene, Morning Routine and Teaching Healthy Oral Habits at Home. Father, Kid and Dental Cleaning in Bathroom with Toothbrush, Fresh Breath and Care

Cr​eating Routines

Home routines are very important for students ​mental health and sets them up for school ​success.

Back to school. Little school friends develop social skills and support each other.

So​cial Skills

Children are social from the start of life. They observe ​how people interact with them. They pay close ​attention to facial expressions and tone of voice. And ​they develop appropriate behavior based on what ​they see.

Young People with Gadgets on Grey Background

Ru​le setting with Teenagers

Rule-setting and monitoring is more than a ​necessary task of parenting. It is essential to ​raising children to thrive far into the future.

Mom helps teen overwhelmed by her problems

Building healthy relationships ​with your parents (For Teens)

Supportive relationships with caring adults ​matter to your well-being.

Vulnerable teen talks with mom

Understand how Teens Think

How we talk to our tweens and teens can ​make the difference between whether they ​absorb our lessons or rebel against them